Saturday, October 17, 2009

raya mode is still on!

salam and hi to all,

raya had just passed but i guess, we are still in RAYA mode and the excitement of this awaited festive celebration will never fade! :P

ok, back to business. as what i had already told about the SPiCE instructional design model, today in class, we are told that we need to design a website which is quite similar to the concept of instructional design model that Prof Rohaida showed to us before.

but before that, we need to create a storyboard or should i say a draft on how we want our materials to be organized. the purpose f doing this stroyboard is that so that the concept that we chose will be break into smaller units which will help the learners to have better understanding towards the topic besides to get them to see the relation between each concept and others.
storyboard also help us to see the flow of the website that we are going to create later. and, oh! i almost forgot, the website here will refers to the powerpoint presentation since Prof Rohaida said that PPT is also one of the most powerful tools that can be used in class.

after finish the draft of the storyboard, we went and consult her regarding the materials so that we won't repeat the same mistakes again and again. after gone through the storyboard and listen to some explanation from us, at last she permit us to continue with the topic. and i was quiet satisfied and happy with her decision because this means that we are halfway done! ^_~

now, what's left was to search for the real materials that we are going to put in our designed so-called "Website". as there are 6 peoples in my group, hence we divided the workloads where each of us has a role to be carried out. and as for me, i have to search for mamals and insect's life cycles.we are free to insert anything we like as long as it is related with the topic such as interesting facts, activities, videos or even songs!

wait for next week for more interesting news about the "website" and instructional materials!

ok, pen off

till then,

salam and bye bye bye *_*

SPiCE Learning Model

salam and hi to all,

we meet again here, still in science mood..^_^
and today i would like to present you something which is NEW to me and i'm sure, it's NEW to you as well!

so, this is it

ok, today we have to present on what we have discussed in the last class which is the SPiCE learning model. my group had agreed to choose the topic of GROWTH which is quite interesting to be conducted in class. we will focus on the animal's life cycle where there are the integration of technology during the teaching hour.

as we already get the permission from Prof Rohaida to do this topic, hence, it is time for us to find the materials regarding those things such as -->
- different animal's life cycle
- animal's need
- features of changes in animal's growth
and etc.

i admit that we are actually quite blur about the task given by Prof Rohaida however, as she explained it to us again on how to do it, we manage to get a new and clear picture on this task.

while presenting those materials to the class, Prof Rohaida had corrected us on some things such as we need to give justifications on why we need to use technology while teaching this particular topic. i think, this is the most important thing that needed to be looked furter and we missed it!:(
however, i guess, it is good that Prof Rohaida mention the mistakes since it will help us to see the "flaw" that we can't see in the presentation.

other groups had also present theirs and i found that there are many interesting topics which are being chosen for instance, acid and alkali, forces, food chain and constellation.

after all groups had presented theirs, we were required to do a concept map based on the topic chosen earlier. we find it quite easy and organized since we will do it in a form of a mind map where it allows us to see all the ideas clearly besides help to arrange the flow of it nicely.

mind map or concept map is one of the powerful tools teacher can use in their teaching and learning session in class where it enables students to have easy access to all the information given besides help them in learning very much. concept map helps students to only memorize important things that they need to know in a lesson or topic learnt.

before Prof Rohaida let us go, we need to present our "findings" on the concept map and see whether it is correct or not. there are some mistakes that we do and again, Prof Rohaida rectify it and ask us to improve on it.

i think that's all for now. before i pen off my thoughts, i just want to wish Prof Rohaida and all my classmates

have a blast raya and holidays!

till then,

salam and bye bye bye

Thursday, October 15, 2009

welcome Prof. Dr. Rohaida ! ^_^

salam and hi to all,

heh~ i'm quite nervous today since we are going to get a new lecturer [she is supposedly to teach us earlier, but due to some problems, she is being replaced with Mr. Fauzi for a while] which is Prof. Dr. Rohaida Mohd Saat. why do i said that i am nervous?? because i don't know her yet and tend to make some speculations in my mind right now..huhhu~

ok, enough bout that, i guess this time we need to be serious since i'm pretty sure that her approaches might as well be different from his. and we need to get good first impression from her. yes.

so, she went in and introduce herself and straightly taught or in different meaning, introduce us to " Instructional Design Theories". at first, i was quite blur on what this theory is all about and what is the importance of this in our pedagogy in class?but, later on, when she explained to us further on, it struck to me that this is actually very important for us as future teachers to use in class since this instructional design is all about explicit guidance on how to better help pupils' learning and development.

WOW! it is this important until i need to agree that this is very much related on what we are going to deal with later. this is actually a so-called software in which by using this, teachers will be able to identifies methods of instruction in order to find ways to support and facilitate learning process in class. it incorporated the theory of cognitivist and behaviorist where the methods or choice will depend on how our believes and the student's way of learning.

she also introduced us with the SPicE Instructional Design Model. there are 7 steps in this Instructional Design Model which are :

- Identify target audience
- Identify instructional needs
- Analyze instructional strategy
- Performance objective
- Design strategy for instruction
- Develop instructional materials
- Conduct formative evaluation

we need to design our own instructional design model based on the task listed above and i can say that this is quite challenging for a first timer like us. but, i think, we need to get the ball rolling and accept the challenge!

and all in all, i can see that there are differences between prof rohaida's approach and mr. fauzi but i guess, i need to adapt these changes. and for now, i'm quite happy and satisfied with her :)

till then,

salam and bye bye bye

of 21st century skills and integrating technology in classroom

salam and hi to all,

this is the 8th week since i put my steps in UM [i know, its lame to tell the same story but, let it be, i like it this way :P]

ok, this week we have been introduced with two different articles namely "21st century skills curriculum and instructions " as well as "2008 Horizon Report" where these two articles touch more on the aspect of integrating technology in class or teaching and learning session.

the first article focuses more on the subject of 21st century skills and ways of achieving them besides how do we as tecahers to achieve them as well as the impacts to both teachers and learners. we are also discussing on the topic of 21st century students where these our our bunches of future students when we are about for school later. i do feel that we really need enough preparations to handle and deal with these students since we know that kids nowadays are more advanced than the adults, sometimes, they know a lot more than we does and sometimes, what they know might be useful or harmful to them. so, in order to choose the best or to filter any harmful content from "attacking" them, thus it is very important for us to be one step ahead from them.

but, mind you, i am not stating here that we need to be one step ahead of everything; for sure some things are exceptional and seems impossible, but for things like education and all, it is not impossible. we are the one who hold the "power" here since it is all in our hands, so it is us who needs to choose the best way for them. and this is where all the educational discussions, brainstormings, notes, teachings and etc comes in and guide us through the way! ^^,

Besides that, the second article which is the 2008 Horizon Report is more or less discussing the same thing except that this time they have the key points on what to be emphasized and concentrate on. This report has describes six areas of emerging technology that will have significant impact on higher education within three adoption horizons over the next one to five years and this continues to be a great report to help institutions with their five year plans. in this particular 2008 report, they choose to focus on the following topics:

- Grassroots Video
- Collaboration Webs
- Mobile Broadband
- Data Mashups
- Collective Intelligence
- Social Operating Systems

and this is being conducted in three different adoption horizons namely

a) Time-to-Adoption: One Year or Less
Grassroots Video
Collaboration Webs
b) Time-to-Adoption: Two to Three Years
Mobile Broadband
Data Mashups
c) Time-to-Adoption: Four to Five Years
Collective Intelligence
Social Operating Systems

what i can say is that, I GAINED A LOT through the discussion and really feels the urge to be well versed in technology [ not only technology but how to use it so that it would benefit us to the maximum] so that i am able to hold this knowledge and give it to my studnets later.

before i forget, this would be our last class with beloved mr. fauzi since his contract is already over and Prof. Rohaida will take over his place. he's a GREAT lecturer i must say and that i'm very comfortable being in his class. heh~ my safety need is being fulfilled, i guess :P

well, i think, that's about it. pen off.

till then,

salam and bye bye bye

p/s: btw, wants to know more? read these links

Sunday, September 13, 2009

interesting softwares for teachers

salam and hi to all
still in the middle of Ramadhan, the awaited holy month :)
for this 7th week of science class we were told to search for interesting softwares for teachers to be used in classroom. as we are having various approaches in order to create FUN in learning, hence finding the most interesting websites or softwares were quite challenging.

i prefer the one which we can download it so that if there is no internet connection, we can still use the softwares without having to depend solely on it. that is why i keep on searching for websites that can be downloaded but it seems like there's none of it in the internet. so, i decided to just use and utilize what i have so that at the end of the day, i will be able to produce something useful and related with the subject.

learning is FUN actually, but it has to depend on the teacher on how they are going to control and conduct the class. managing class through the right way could create excitement among primary school students. i wish to become an "awaited" teacher one day----> meaning that, all my students will be waiting for me to enter the class because they like me very much!!!! ^_^
but, i guess there's long way to go before i could get what i want.

ok, back to our topic, i just want to share what i've found after browsing through couples of websites and these websites are just interesting and fun enough to be used in class as an additional work. CHECK IT OUT!
Funschool :

Science news for kids:

Yahoo! Kids:

British Council:
lastly, i hope this will benefit all of us in finding new ideas on how to enhance teaching in class.
till then,
salam and bye bye bye

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

salam and hi to all,

i just want to share something which is quite interesting about technology. so, JUST ENJOY! ^_^


1-Technology is only technology to those who were born before it.

2-We need to prepare students for THEIR future not OUR past.
Ian Jukes, educator and Futurist

3-Teachers need to stop saying, “Hand it in,” and start saying “Publish It.”
Alan November

4-We have moved from “know what” learning to “know where” learning.

5-The largest number of podcasts in education are about Podcasts in education.
Marco Torres

6-Kids DO want to learn, but schools get in the way.

7-Digital Media enables us to build more stages for our kids to express themselves.
Marco Torres

8-What gets us in trouble is not what we don't know. It's what we know that just ain't so.
Mark Twain

9-We need to replicate in the classroom the world in which students are living.

10-If we teach today the way we were taught yesterday we aren't preparing students for today or tomorrow.

REMEMBER, we are dealing with 21st century kids which are more advanced than their teachers [most of them]. they might just looked like this ;

and this ....

or who knows, THIS?

and this....

or even this??

so, what is our roles to make us able to catch up with them?? for thought, aite?
till then,
salam and bye bye bye ^_^

evaluating course ware

salam and hi to all,

without we realize it, it has been 6th week since we entered UM and enrolled in this science class. as always, life has never been easy on us and it required hardwork and sacrifices if we want to succeed in life. but, as long as we keep on trying, believe me, ALLH will never turn us down!

ok, now back to our topic of reflection. we learnt new things today and it was on the EVALUATION OF SCIENCE COURSE WARE OR MATERIALS. as i mentioned the word resources, it is understood that it must be regarding internet, teaching materials, computers, interesting websites, powerpoint presentation and so on and so forth. we were also required to present our findings on the evaluation of the course ware.

my group and i had decided to use an example of powrpoint presentation to be evaluated which has been found in the internet. it is about sounds and it merely taught students on the different kinds of sounds for example string equipment, percussion and etc. based on the powerpoint, we had come out with a checklist on whether the material is good to be used in class or not. we also prepares some suggestions or alternatives that can be done if it is not suitale to be used in pacticular classes.

while doing this, it struck to me that being a teacher is not an easy job where everyone thinks it is. it really required someone to be hardworking and creative so that we were able to attract student's attention in the classroom. dealing with students was not a simple work which can be taken for granted! remember, we are dealing with students or should i say, KIDS! K-I-D-S! they know what they want and are clever enough to not just accepting what we give them. hence, it is utmost important for us to prepare teaching materials which is fun and interesting so as to attract their attention and interest.

there are some of interesting websites that can be explored by us so as to enhance our etaching in class. apart from helping us in preparing good teaching resources, it also gives us opportunity to broad our teaching scope and to aviod us from just focusing on one aspects of learning only. so, here, i will give some of the interesting links that might help in preparing materials for teaching. hope it will benefit us to the maximum!

till then,

salam and bye bye ^_^

continuation of science simulated teaching

salam and hi to all,

on this week of science class, we continued our session for simulated teaching. i really like with the idea of simulated teaching where during this time, we were given chances to teach our so-called students and able to show our style of teaching. this is good where we will be able to see whether we were on the right track on not in teaching. comments and critiques will help us to be better educators in the future :)

the remaining groups had preresented their simulated teaching where in my opinion, all of them really gives the best and they deserved it based on the hardwork they've put into it. some of the groups had integrated the usage of technology in their teaching which is very good since we are dealing with bunches of 21st century kids who were very advanced in their learning. hence, this will act as practices so as to prepare us when we go for our teaching later.

before the class ended, sir fauzi distributed articles on the common mistakes that teachers always do or overlooked in class. i was very attracted to the acrticle that i think, this is a very important issue and we should not take things for granted. after that, we were required to present these issues in front of the class where we were adviced to dramatize the situation in front of class.

as teacher-to-be, i am developing myself to be a great teacher later and i think, this subject has provide me with such opportunity so that i will be able to experience and learn good guidelines on how to be a be good teacher!

till thn,

salam and bye bye bye

Monday, August 3, 2009

science simulated teaching

ENJOY these pictures! let them do the talking ^_^

salam and hi to all,

fourth weeks here and yet, i still enjoy my phase of learning science ^_^ v!!
hehehehe...i never thought that learning science for teenagers[ errrr????] could be this F-U-N!!
ok ok ok ok enough bout dat!

we had presented our simulated teaching for science today where two of our group members had successfully carried it out. our topic for the simulated teahing was ANIMAL'S LIFE CYCLE where we want to teach the student's about animal's life cycle and we were focusing on frog, butterfly and mosquito. there were actually many stories lies within the presentation that day =p

one of our group member forgot to bring the CD-ROM that we already extract and hence we have to think for other alternatives to solve this problem. we HAVE to show the integration of using technology in our teaching so we made a contigency plan where we will go online and surf for online materials regarding the topic. And THANK GOD! we managed to find it and download it to be used in our simulated teaching =)

all our plan designed earlier had to be changed a bit so that it suits with our instant decision...and i tell you, it's not an easy choice coz everything is possible that the end, i am really thankful that all went well, just as planned! :)

presentation on that day started off by zul's group where they taught us about things that can carry electric circuit and it was very interesting! they shown us a video about an epxeriment which i found very useful if it is to be used with children..besides that, another group had touched on the topic of planets and solar system where they integrate both technology and typcal teaching practice into their simulated teaching...

at the end of the day, i gain many things and new knowledge...and hopefully, we can apply what we do in when we were out for teaching later ...

till then,
salam and bye bye bye

Thursday, July 30, 2009

science spells F-U-N!

click picture to see it clearly

discrepant events

salam and hi to all,

do you still remember our science lesson where we had been introduced with the word "DISCREPANT EVENT" by madam nazifah? i'm sure you all still remember it aite?, i've found something quite interesting that we can use in class later if we want to teach any science topic and it is quite related with the term discrepant event that we know...

so, ENJOY the vids!

due to some error, i can oly gives the link...SORRY
but, check this out ^^

this is what we as future teacher can do to create excitement in learning process and to show to the students that LEARNING IS FUN!

till then,
salam and bye bye bye

p/s: sorry for the incovenience =)

3rd week- the LESSON PLANNING

salam and hi to all,

haha...sedar tak sedar it's been 3 weeks since i entered UM and started my so-called new life here =)

and this is my 3rd class for science and guess what, I ENJOYED MYSELF TO THE MAX when i'm in this class! the lecturer is fun and sporting hence it helps to lower my affective filter and i think, i learn better through this way...^^

this time around was just another presentation of the lesson plan of each group. they will present on what they planned to do for their simulated teaching. we have to integrate the usage of CD-ROM in our teaching process in the name of using technology at it's best.

the CD-ROM provided to us is good in a way that it gives students chances to learn interactively where there are activities which requires them to try on their own. i believe this will help them very much in learning as they will be able to experience the learning to the maximum level. technology is great in a way that it open many doors to the outside world and new things so that we are able to broaden our mind. as teacher-to-be, i am very lucky that i got the chances to integrate the usage of technology in my teaching where this is not possible few years back...

if we are to look at the development of the integration of technology in learning process especially in Malaysia, there are lots and lots and lots of improvement and revolution before we reach at what we are now...and i am truly proud of it ^^,

till then,
salam and bye bye bye

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

tits and bits of PPSMI

PPSMI: Kisah Pelajar Luar Bandar
diambil dari
Oleh: Haikal Ghazali
Editor: NuurZaffan

"Hah...Mama dah carikan kerja untuk hang. Jadi cikgu kat sekolah kawan Mama. Mau?" kata mak aku semasa kami dalam kereta, pulang ke Kedah dari KMB setelah aku tamat belajar di situ sekitar 2004.
Aku memandang kosong ke luar tingkap kereta. Warna merah senja masih lagi di situ, belum pudar. Cantik!
"Ma...malaih lah. Kalau boleh oghang nak gheja macam Tu'ai, jadi maintainer kat kelab bowling kat City Plaza tu. Best sket." aku menjawab malas sambil mataku menjeling kepada Tu'ai, adikku di sebelah.
Fikirku, bolehlah kami keluar petang ke tempat kerja dan balik awal pagi. Sambil-sambil tu bolehlah merewang ke tengah-tengah bandar Alor Setar sebelum balik ke rumah. Bila lagi?
"Hang jangan nak menggatai. Mama dah habaq dah kat Cikgu Cek Puteh. Esok lusa hang pi daftaq kat sekolah tu." mak aku membantah.
"Laa...ingatkan nak bagi option tadi. Rupa-rupanya arahan mandatory." cetus hati aku.
Merah senja di luar tingkap makin pudar. Lebuh raya PLUS nampak kosong. Seperti fikiran aku yang kosong.
"Apa aku nak buat kat sekolah tu nanti? Dah la kena mengajaq Bahasa Inggeris. Tingkatan 4 ngan 5 plak tu. Sastera lagi. Mampoih."
Hati aku terus merungut tak puas hati. Tapi apa boleh buat, arahan mandatori...Habis takat tu...
Bermula episod diri aku diberi peluang mengenali sendiri apakah erti perjuangan memartabatkan anak bangsa dari kaca mata seorang guru, yang dikerah mendidik pelajar luar bandar (kalau boleh aku katakan, sekolah yang aku pergi ini adalah sekolah yang lagi luar daripada ‘luar bandar'. Maknanya sangat- sangat terpencil).Aku menjadi cikgu ganti, menggantikan seorang guru lain yang cuti bersalin. Dan sekali sekala aku masuk ke kelas-kelas tingkatan yang lain, menjenguk apa yang pelajar-pelajar di sana sedang buat sewaktu ketiadaan guru.Biar aku ceritakan...

Adegan 1:

Biasalah, sesi perkenalan menjadi modal utama untuk cikgu baru macam aku untuk ‘skip' hari pertama daripada kena mengajar. Ni yang berlaku di sebuah kelas tingkatan 5 Sains 1.
" Ok class, My name is Haikal. Your new English teacher here, for 2 months bla..bla..bla."
"Now I would like to know each of you before I begin my lesson. Please state your name, ambition and where are you from. Ok, let us start from you."
" Err...sir. Saya tak pandai cakap Inglis. Bahasa Melayu boleh dak?"
Aku jawab : " Cuba, takpa salah pun. saya pun bukan pandai cakap omputih."
" I is Syahrul (nama rekaan). Yang lain saya tak gheti sir."
"Ok takpa...teruskan. Saya tanya tadi cita-cita dan tinggai kat mana.
Dalam hati : "Mampoih, macam mana aku nak mengajaq dalam BI ni? Kalau kelas 5 sains 1 pun tak berapa gheti BI?"

Adegan 2:

Ada satu hari tu, aku kena masuk ke kelas tingkatan satu. Cikgu yang sepatutnya berada dalam kelas tu tak datang. Sekali lagi, sesi berkenalan, sebab aku memang tak disuruh mengajarpun.
"Nama saya cikgu Haikal. Saya masuk mai ganti cikgu Sharifah. Saja nak berkenalan dengan kamu semua. Soghang-soghang bangun dan habaq nama dengan cita-cita. Hah kamu...mula!"
"Nama saya Rosdi. Cita-cita nak jadi..emm...perbaik gheta. Pak saya ada kedai pomen gheta kat pekan."
"OK takpa, kamu!" aku menuding pada seorang pelajar yang berdiri kat pintu, gaya macam nak lari keluar dari kelas.
"Saya...nama Ku Nazim. Cita-citaku nak jaga lemu pak ku" Memang disebut LEMU, bukan lembu. Jawab Nazim serius dalam loghat Kedah hulu yang pekat. Lembu pun kedengaran lemu. Saya diganti dengan ku...bahasa diri kebiasaan bagi orang-orang kampung kat tempat aku.
"Sebab apa nak jaga lembu?"
"Ku tak tau dey. Pak ku banyak Lemu. Dia pun dok sughuh ku jaga lemu dia."
" Oo...ya ka?" aku menyetujui kata-katanya
Dalam hati : "Bertuah betul orang bandar. Anak-anak semuanya bercita-cita tinggi. Nak jadi doktor, saintis. Paling komanpun polis. Tapi kat sini. Cukuplah kalau boleh warisi apa yang bapak depa ada. Mungkin depa ni masih naif...tapi kalau dibandingkan dengan anak bandar yang sebaya, depa ni jauh naif. Seolah-olah tiada langsung cita-cita.
"Dan memang benar, pelajar-pelajar di sini memang datang ke sekolah bukan kerana ingin belajar. Tetapi kerana ingin berjumpa kawan-kawan. Itu sahaja dorongan mereka untuk terus berada di sekolah dari jam 7.30 pagi hingga jam 2 petang. Dan peluang daripada kedatangan mereka ke sekolah itulah yang digunakan oleh guru-guru untuk menumpahkan ilmu yang sedikit buat bekalan anak bangsa ini.
Lalu...bagaimana ingin mempunyai cita-cita?

Adegan 3:

Aku diberi amanah untuk menanda kertas peperiksaan Bahasa Inggeris dan English in Science and Technology (EST) - Tingkatan 4 dan 5.Untuk Tingkatan 4...semua gagal (fail) untuk 2 mata pelajaran yang aku tandakan tu.Untuk Tingkatan 5...ada seorang dua sahaja yang lulus ataih pagaq EST. Untuk Bahasa Inggeris, ramai jugak yang lulus tetapi sekadar lulus. Tak lebih dari itu. Itu pun...aku kena jadi seorang pemeriksa yang sangat bermurah hati.
Bila ditanya kepada guru-guru lain tentang perkara itu,
"Hah...besa la tu. Budak-budak sini bukan gheti BI. Lepa (Depa/mereka) bukan maupun belajaq BI. Sabit tu (sebab tu) kalau hang tengok budak-budak yang ambik Sains dengan Math dalam BI kat sekolah ni semua tak luluih. Habuk pun takdak."
Kata seorang cikgu lelaki, sambil menghisap rokok daun yang digulung sendiri, sewaktu kami bersembang di kantin.
"Kalau dulu, waktu dua-dua subjek ni lepa ajaq dalam BM pun student tak pandai. Ni pulak nak mengajaq dalam BI. Punah anak bangsa hang tau dak Haikal. Lepa ni orang kampung. Satu hapa pun depa tak gheti. Lagi nak suruh belajaq dalam BI. Apa punya otak pun aku tak tau."
Sambung cikgu itu dalam nada kesal bercampur geram. Ada juak-juak meluat di mukanya.
"PUNAH ANAK BANGSA" terngiang lagi perkataan tu dalam fikiran aku sampai sekarang.

Adegan 4:

Satu hari tu, aku masuk mengajaq BI kat dalam kelas tingkatan 4 Perdagangan. Ada 4 orang pelajar lelaki sewaktu aku sedang mengajar di depan, depa dok berkumpul 4 orang dalam satu bulatan kat belakang.
"Tu kat belakang, hangpa tengah buat apa tu?"
Aku dah tak cakap Inggeris lagi dah dalam kelas (Pelik kan? Mengajar Bahasa Inggeris dalam Bahasa Melayu. Tapi apa boleh buat... payah...susah. Kesian dengan mereka yang tak faham apa-apa).Ada budak lain yang tolong jawabkan soalan aku tu, tapi dalam keadaan yang separuh berbisik,
"Depa tengah main Sing-Kong Sir."
"Menatang apa tu?" aku bertanya kehairanan."Judi!" (Sing-kong: lambung duit syiling, pastu pakat-pakat teka kepala ka ekoq. Sapa betoi dia dapat duit syiling tu)
"Budak-budak kat belakang! Baik hangpa berenti sebelum saya panggil PK HEM. Kalau tak mau belajaq, Hangpa dok diam-diam kat belakang. Tidoq!" Tegas aku dalam nada separuh bengang.
"Ok sir."
Jawab seorang dari mereka dalam keadaan senyum. Aku hanya mampu geleng kepala dan teruskan pengajaran "Mari Mengenal Bahasa Inggeris"
"Ok kelas...kalau I...padan dengan Am"
"I am"
"Kalau he atau she yang maksudnya Dia...padan dengan Is"
"He is"

this is some of the simple story from the writer..and i find it quite funny and interesting to be shared with all. but, i am not bias to any sides or stands. just read and enjoy the story!
till then, salam

second class for science

salam and hi to all,

haha..we'll meet again! still in happy mode[ i think i will always be in happy mode everytime i am in science class=p]

i can't believe that i have successfully survived in UM. it has been one week since we enter this university and i think everyone are doing well at the moment and we are enjoying ourself with the enw environment. it is quite hard for me to adapt and adjust myself with this new surrounding but i think, it feels better now. hopefully, it will continue until the end of my study here.

ok, time for reflections!'s lame, i know =p
today, mr fauzi gave us some lecture about technology. what technology is all about and how do we apply it to the max in real life situation. when he started off with his presentations, i wondered whether i am really well versed in this part and i happened to me that there are lots of things that i did not know! i am still in the phase of crawling[if it's a baby] and i hope to excel until i approach the running stage ^_^

his presentation also touched on the topics of principles of using technolgy, how do we use and explore it fruitfully. he warned us that TECHNOLOGY DOES NOT REPLACE THE TEACHER. this is because although we are allowed to integrate technology in our classroom, however, still, there are times where we need to do things on our own and not just leave it to the computer to finish it all!teacher will still have to carry out the experiment, designing what to be taught that day, set up the classroom, preparing the taks sheets and so on so forth. we can integrate technology but don't overuse it!

this time around, he assigned us to come out with a sample science lesson for 2 poeriods and we have to based it on the curriculum and the CD-ROM he gave earlier. there are lots of things in the CD-ROM where we have to explore it on own our. we also should use the CD-ROM in our tecaching where it will be used as one of the materials for teaching and learning process. my group had presented our lesson plan and there are some adjustment that need to be taken into consideration.

on a final note, i ended this class with satisfaction as i know that i have learnt something today! and i am looking forward to be in this class again next week.

till then,

salam and bye bye bye


Monday, July 20, 2009

oh yeah!

salam and hi to all

hahha..the title itself explain all! i am in happy mode today ^_^
although life in UM has been not so well these days but i did not deny that above all, there's still excitement and enjoyment in learning, i should say.

many unexpected things "greet" me as early as i enter this varsity and not to forget, what i expect turns out the way it should be and it's really really great!! ohhh yeahhh...hahha

ok, enough bout that. let's be serious. [ehem..ehem...nak jadi serious nih]
mode: serious

this would be my first post of the day for this science class. and i bet for this sem, learning science will be more interesting than ever!having mr.fauzi as the lecturer really makes most of us relieved[mind you, bukan nk lobi ye =p] he's very very different with our previous lecturer and he gave us as much time as we like to explore and have freedom in learning, which most of us prefer[i guess]

he also asked us to create our own blog specifically for this particular subject so that we can share, pour and tell anything we want. he also wants to see our progression in learning where it can be seen in our refelctions. although i myself owned a blog before, but, still, i find myself struggling and in the phase of learning on how to have an interactive blog. and i know that, at the end of the day, i will be able to own one! =)

as this time around, we are going to spend our time learning science in COMPUTER LAB, hence i'm sure that we will deal with most of the interactive materials and technology skills. personally, i am not really into this techno thingy or should i say, a techno savvy person, hence my limited knowledge regarding this will be a challenge for me in learning this subject well. however, with my friends around me, i believe that i will never be left behind and will take this challenge positively as one of the mean to develop myself.

as mr fauzi told us, "dont' fight with your rival, fight with your situation", it is true in this case where i will not fight with others to get good grades but i will fight with my weaknesses to get good results! this will be more meaningful to me and at least, i know where i stand!

last but not least, to wrap up this so-called reflections, just a simple message for my friends or anyone who visit this blog,


and FEEL FREE TO VISIT MY BLOG[promote sikit=p]

till then,

salam and bye bye bye